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Sleeping (not so) beauty

John always said that he hoped that Jack got the Daimler sleep gene but I think he forgot to specify which part of the Daimler sleep gene he wanted Jack to get. You see there are 2 parts to the Daimler sleep gene…

First, we can sleep anywhere, anytime. True story–last week I fell asleep sitting up on the toilet (seat closed) while watching John give Jack a bath.

**Sometimes a nap just feels so good….

But with the good comes the not so pretty. Anyone who has ever slept with us (and the list is long…I kid, I kid) knows that we are a bit CRAZY in the bedroom (gosh this is going down a different path isnt it?!?!). In order to protect our identity, I will not put a name with the following actions but a Daimler has been known to: wake up swinging a bat in his/her sleep, run around the house making noises like a siren, take a shower and get dressed in his/her sleep; leap on a roommate to let them know that a man in a pink shirt is in the room and alligators are on the floor, and of course talking nonsense in our sleep is a regular occurrence (our spouses really love us).

Well, it was pretty clear that Master Jack did not get the sleep anywhere, anytime part of the gene. But, it appears he got the other part. Within the past week, we have found Jack: sitting up looking drunk and about to tip over, standing looking eye to eye with the monitor completely asleep, and then taking the monitor down and sleeping with it next to him like a stuffed animal. So it appears we have an adventurous (that is the positive reframe of crazy) sleeper on our hands…John says dealing with me is enough but crazy always loves company right?!? Let the bedtime shenanigans begin…night night!

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  • Jen Aldridge February 10, 2013, 7:16 pm

    Oh my Caroline! This is one of my very favorite posts. Toooo funy.