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Happy Happy!!

Happy Birthday John!!!

I imagine there is a drink at the pub in our future;)

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  • Rebecca June 14, 2011, 1:32 pm

    Looks like you guys are having so much fun! Love reading about it all while I am at millionth dr appointment 🙂

  • Jessica June 14, 2011, 1:47 pm

    Happy Birthday, John! I hope you have a wonderful time ringing in your day:) Jess

  • Meredith June 14, 2011, 2:00 pm

    Happy Birthday, John! Flags are out in your honor today. Never fear. Your big day is still a national holiday back at home. xo

  • Diane Jobe June 14, 2011, 3:13 pm

    Well,it’s Flag Day here in the USA so that can only mean one thing …….It’s John’s birthday !!! Happy Birthday Sweetie !! The streets are lined with flags for you 🙂 Tip one back for us . We are SOOOO happy to hear the news of your expectancy . You and Caroline will make the best parents . I can hardly believe it’s all possible . I remember your birth like it was yesterday ….your homecoming was so special for me as I had only 3 months left before Jess would join us and holding you made it all so real. We love you guys so much and can’t wait to hold your little angel in our arms . Take good care of yourselves, as I know you will. All our love, Aunt Di

  • Donna Toomey June 14, 2011, 6:25 pm

    HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! Enjoy your very special day sweetheart!! All my LOVE and Best Wishes, hugs and kisses, Aunt Donna